Interdependence - Key SQA Definitions:
Carnivore - An animal that only eats other animal material
Herbivore - An animal that only eats plant material
Omnivore - An animal that eats both plant and animal material
Detritivore - An animal that feeds on dead organic matter, eg wood louse, earthworm, maggot
Decomposer - Bacteria and fungi that feed on dead organic matter at microscopic level
Producer - An organism that can produce its own food; usually a green plant that produces its own food via photosynthesis
Primary consumer - A herbivore that eats the producer in a food chain
Secondary consumer - An animal that eats the primary consumer in a food chain
Tertiary consumer - An animal that eats the secondary consumer in a food chain
Niche - The role played by a species within a community: where it lives, what it eats and what eats it
An ecological Niche is the 'role' that a species plays within the wider biological community. It describes how an organism interacts with its environment and is made up of the following:-
The adaptions that the organism has to suit its habitat
The food/ nutrients it consumes
What preys on the organism
The fact-file below shows the niche of a Great Crested Newt, the largest Newt found in Scotland:-
Food Chains
A food chain shows how plants and animals get their energy. At each link in a food chain 90% of the energy is lost, so the organism next in the chain only gains 10%. This is why there are relatively few top predators (such as lions) compared to their prey (such as wildebeest).
Energy can be lost from a food web in different ways:-
Wasted as undigested food (faeces)
Used by the organism for heat and movement
An example of a food chain is shown below, the arrows showing the direction of energy flow:-
Producers & Photosynthesis
A food chain always starts with a Producer. A producer is an organism that makes its own food. Most producers are green plants, algae or bacteria which make their food by Photosynthesis using energy from sunlight.
In Photosynthesis, water and carbon dioxide are converted into glucose (a type of sugar) and oxygen. This oxygen is either used in respiration or released from the plant as a waste gas.
The diagram below shows the word equation for Photosynthesis:-
There is a small number of producers that do not use Photosynthesis to produce their food, but use other chemical processes instead. An example of this can be found around Hydrothermal Vents on the ocean floor.
Hydrothermal Vents form when seawater seeps down through the sea bed in a region of volcanic activity. As the water passes down through the rock, minerals become dissolved in the water. The water is then heated by underground magma and rises back up to the ocean floor. The hydrothermal vent forms where this mineral-rich water escapes.
The Producers around a hydrothermal vent are a type of bacteria. Instead of Photosynthesis, these bacteria use the chemicals released into the water by the hydrothermal vents to make their food, a process known as 'Chemosynthesis'.
Consumers & Respiration
Organisms that cannot produce their own food are known as 'Consumers'. Consumers must eat other organisms to gain their energy. Consumers can be split into five groups, based on what they consume (eat):-
An animal that only eats plant material
An animal that only eats other animal material
An animal that eats both plant and animal material
An animal that feeds on dead organic matter
Bacteria and fungi that feed on dead organic matter at microscopic level
Both Producers and Consumers release the energy from their food through a process known as 'Respiration', occurring in all living cells.
In Respiration, glucose and oxygen are converted into carbon dioxide and water.
The diagram below shows the word equation for Respiration:-
Food Webs
The food chains described above show a simple explanation of the way energy moves from organism to organism in an area, but in reality it is more complex than this, as organisms usually consume more than one food source. When two or more food chains are linked together, they form a 'Food Web'.
Terrestrial (Land-Based) Food Web
Aquatic (Water-Based) Food Web
Factors Affecting Food Webs
Food Webs show the complex interdependence between all of the organisms within an ecosystem, with a change in any part of the web affecting the whole ecosystem.
Due to this, it is very important that any changes we try to make to an ecosystem are very carefully managed. When a species is introduced to new area, either by accident or intentionally, the species has the potential to disrupt the entire food web.
Factors affecting Food Webs include:-
Human impacts
In an ecosystem, the numbers of predators and prey will usually be found in a balanced state. An increase in the number of either species would result in a increase in the other, counteracting the change. This is known as a negative feedback loop.
A classic example of this is the Fox/Rabbit population model. If the rabbit population in an ecosystem increases, then there will be more food available for foxes, so the fox population would increase. But an increased fox population would eat more rabbits, reducing the rabbit population. Less rabbits means less food for foxes, so the fox population would also decrease, and the cycle begins again.
If the numbers of either predator or prey changed dramatically over a short period of time, for example due to a disease, then the ecosystem could be thrown out of balance and wide variations in populations could be seen. There is even the risk of a population failing to survive, with consequences for the entire ecosystem.
The embedded website below runs a simulation of the Fox/Rabbit population model. Starting variables (number of fox to rabbits etc.) can be changed and the effects of these can be modelled:-
Diseases in a single species have the potential to effect the entire ecosystem. If a disease causes enough of a population drop in a particular species, this will cause changes throughout the whole food web.
If the population drop occurs in a prey animal, then all predators of that animal will have less food, putting pressure on them and increasing competition. If the population drop occurs in a predator, then there is less pressure on their prey and the prey population can expand massively.
An example of this effect can be seen in amphibians globally. Since the early 1980s, the chytrid fungus has contributed to the decline of more than 500 species of frogs, toads and salamanders, or nearly 7% of all amphibian species. In some species of amphibian, such as the European fire salamander, the infection with this fungus is nearly always fatal.
Andean Toad with Chytrid infection
Since the Chytrid Fungus was first found to be infecting amphibians in Australia in 1993, the fungus has now spread globally, transferred by natural means through contact with spore in water, but the spread has been accelerated due to human activities, such as trade in amphibians for food or as pets or through infected amphibians accidently 'hitchhiking' with other trade goods.
Chytrid fungus - 2014
Chytrid fungus - 2019
As the Chytrid infection can kill entire populations of amphibians, the effect it can have on an ecosystem is huge. One scientific study into the effects on the wider ecosystem in Panama showed changes in the abundance and diversity of snakes due to the loss of their main food source, as well as major changes in the diversity of invertebrates and plant life due to the lack of predation/consumption by the amphibians.
As ecosystems develop, they form balances of all of the organisms within them. When a new species is introduced to an ecosystem, however, it can have devastating consequences for the ecosystem. This introduction can be through natural means, for example through migration of organisms in search of food, or through human influences, either accidental or deliberate.
Introduced species can spread rapidly and outcompete or prey on native species, as the usual checks that would keep them in balance are not present in the new ecosystem, for example no natural predators of the introduced species present. If a species outcompetes the native organisms in this way, it is known as a 'invasive species'.
An example of an invasive species affecting Scotland is the Harlequin Ladybird. This is a invasive species of Ladybird that was first found in the UK in 2004. Since then it has spread rapidly, and can now be found throughout the whole UK. The diagram below shows the speed at which the Harlequin Ladybird spread across England and Wales in less than 10 years:-
The Harlequin Ladybird is larger than the native species and outcompetes them for food, as well as preying directly on them. The species is thought to be responsible for the drop in populations of at least seven native ladybirds, including the two-spot ladybird, which in 2012 was showing a drop of ~44%.
Native Ladybird
Head nearly entirely black
Invasive Harlequin Ladybird
Head showing characteristic 'W' pattern
Human Impacts
Humans have throughout history had huge impacts on the natural world, either intentionally or by accident.
When Europeans first arrived in large number in the Americas in the 15th and 16th century, they brought within them lots of plants, animals and other organisms that where not present in the native ecosystems. This had devastating effects on the inhabitants of the Americas, with diseases carried by the Europeans killing millions.
Prior to the colonisation by Europeans, the Americas had a population of around 60 million indigenous people, but over the next two centuries this fell by ~90%, mostly due to diseases such as Smallpox.
Countryside Ranger
You would do practical work to look after the countryside and conserve wildlife and habitats. You’d repair paths, fences and signs to assist people who visit the countryside. When you speak with the public and answer questions about the wildlife and landscapes you’d be able to convey your enthusiaism about the natural environment.
As you would be using tools ands and equipment you would need an awareness of health and safety issues.
You could specialise in habitat management, fieldwork or education, or focus on managing certain types of habitat such as waterways, coasts or moorlands.
What Countryside Rangers do
Why become a Ranger?
A Career as a Countryside Ranger
Salary : £18,000 to £28,000 per year
Working Hours : You would usually work around 37 hours a week, which may include evenings and weekends. Weekend work could increase significantly during the main visitor season. Some jobs are part-time or seasonal.
Typical Entry Requirements : You would usually require relevant qualifications such as countryside management or environmental studies, at Higher National Certificate (SCQF level 7), Higher National Diploma (SCQF level 8) or degree level (SCQF level 9/10).
Skills Required:
Building relationships
Verbal communication
Written communication
Problem solving
Social conscience
Developing a plan
Managing resources
Taking initiative
Carbon Cycle
The carbon cycle shows how carbon moves from the atmosphere, through animals and plants, then back into the atmosphere again.
All cells contain carbon compounds such as proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Carbon is passed from the atmosphere, as carbon dioxide, to living things. It is passed from one organism to the next in complex molecules, and returned to the atmosphere as carbon dioxide again.
In the atmosphere, carbon is attached to some oxygen in a gas called Carbon Dioxide.
Plants use Carbon Dioxide and the energy from sunlight to make their own food and grow. This is called Photosynthesis.
The Carbon becomes part of the plant. Plants that die and are buried may turn into fossil fuels made of carbon like Coal over millions of years.
When humans burn fossil fuels most of the carbon quickly enters the atmosphere as the gas Carbon Dioxide.
The carbon cycle shows where the carbon which you use comes from, and also where the carbon that you produce goes.
Carbon Cycle : Fossil Fuels
Many of the fuels we use in everyday life are obtained from fuels called fossil fuels. These fuels are mostly hydrocarbons – compounds that contain the elements carbon and hydrogen only but contain some impurities which can lead to pollution when we burn them.
Fossil fuels like coal, crude oil and natural gas have been formed over millions of years from dead plant and animal remains which have been buried under many layers sediment.
Carbon Cycle : Combustion
When a substance burns, it reacts with oxygen. This is known as combustion.
All combustion reactions are exothermic because they release energy, e.g. heat energy is given out when methane is burned in a Bunsen burner.
In order for combustion to happen, three things are needed:-
If any of the three are removed, the combustion will stop. This is how firefighters put out fires, by either:-
Removing the heat - for example, using water hoses to cool burning timber.
Removing the Oxygen - for example, using a Carbon Dioxide fire extinguisher on an electrical fire.
Removing the fuel - for example, firefighters cutting a firebreak to stop a forest fire.
Fire Extinguishers
Fire extinguishers can be very useful in an emergency, but they must be used correctly or they can make the situation worse!
The safest option if you discover a fire is to leave the area and call 999 immediately.
Each fire extinguisher is designed to work with a specific type of fire:-
Combustion - Hydrocarbons
Crude oil is a mixture of hydrocarbons. Energy is released during burning/oxidation and respiration. The most common form of oxidation is the direct reaction of a fuel with oxygen through combustion. Combustion is the reaction of burning a fuel in oxygen. Burning natural gas means reacting with the Oxygen in the air. There will be products from the reaction, these products can be collected and identified.
Combustion can take two forms:
Complete combustion - where the fuel was burned in a plentiful supply of oxygen to produce carbon dioxide and water.
Incomplete combustion - where the hydrocarbons burn in a limited supply to produce carbon monoxide (a poisonous gas) and carbon.
Detritivores are organisms that feed on dead organic material (Detritus).
Examples of detritus are:-
Dead Leaves
Dead Bark
Dead Stems
Dead Roots
Animal Faeces
Dead Animals